Posts by Galet


    Without any code, it is not very easy to help you (and I don't use Robotdk).

    You need probably to add some command in the Robotdk system.

    Otherwise, to have movement on the robot, you need to select the mode (Manual/automatic...), to set the powerOn ... and to autorize the movement (MoveHold)...

    Robotdek generate val3 application, but you need to learn how to execute it on the robot...

    Have a nice day...


    Inertia need to be an array 3,3 of num as defined in my example (create with SRS) :

    <Data name="nInertia" access="private" xsi:type="array" type="num" size="3 3" />


    ...but in my case it does not read it...

    What is the issue or the message ? How do you know tha the controller don't read it ?

    If you write nError=setPayload... what's the result ?

    Have a nice day...


    What is the SRC from your controler ?

    1 -Tool need to be defined like that in the Datas field from .dtx file :


    <Data name="tToolHead" access="private" xsi:type="array" type="tool" size="1">

    <Value key="0" x="1" y="2" z="3" rx="4" ry="5" rz="6" fatherId="flange[0]" ioLink="valve1" ioOpen="11" ioClose="12" />


    2- to Set Payload :

    Create a Program like that (with your datas)

    And call it when you need it :

    call YourPayload()

    That's it !


    If you want an exemple, create an application on the SP1, create a program and some global variable and load it on your Apple.

    If you want to change (or copy) an application, be carreful that the name of the directory need to be the same as the application (pjx) and data (dtx) file.

    The most difficult is to create new variable (Global in the data file, or Local in directky in the pgx file).

    Without Start() and Stop(), the application can be loaded but not started.



    I'm agree with you.

    In Val3, it's missing the function and optionnal parameters.

    For the simulation, we can pick or place a part but not really move it. +1 for the "black" mode.

    I find problem, too, with the reference Frame when I load a step file or when I make a group, but I think It's a youth issue.


    Bonjour Ali et bienvenu sur ce forum,

    Tout d'abord, ta passion peut être justifiée, le monde de la robotique est très diversifié et permet de combler une grande curiosité. En effet, le robot n'est pas la finalité mais l'outil qui permet de réaliser des tâches diverses, dans des milieux de plus en plus différents.

    Sauf secteur de recherche, la robotique dite "industrielle" n'est pas encore en connexion avec les technologies de calcul et d'apprentissage telles que l'IA. La conception, la réalisation et la mise en service de cellules robotisées sont donc réalisées de manière "conventionnelle". Ces installations sont encore, en majorité, destinées à effectuer des tâches répétitives, sur des périodes assez longues.

    Il est important de différentier les différents secteurs de la robotiques (Industrielle, collaborative, médicale...) qui demandent des technologies spécifiques.

    Etant un roboticien de "l'ancien monde", c'est à dire habitué aux méthodes "classiques", je ne sais pas dans quelle mesure les l'IA modifiera les méthodes ou les produits. Je ne connais pas de formation autre que celles proposées par les industriels ( en service R&D ou développement) pour la création de produits robotiques, ou les services formations pour les utilisateurs (Concepteur, programmeur, conducteur d'installation). Le reste fait partie de la recherche.

    Il te faudra donc étudier, plus ou moins séparément, les composantes de ton future métier (La robotique, la cobotique, l'IA...) Pour cela les formations et les documentations commencent à fleurir. Peut-être seras-tu l'un des acteurs de la réunion de ces technologies.

    Je n'ai donc pas de réponse à te donner, mon post ayant pour but de te souhaiter la bienvenue, et te communiquer la passion qui est mienne depuis...quelques décennies.

    Bon courage, ce monde peut être passionnant.


    Normally ,all applications are in /usr/usrapp (direct or un subdirectories).

    Only the applications in /usr/usrapp are visible for user (MCP).

    If you have applications in subdirectory, the "master" application can use it (Library).

    Val3 Applications are composed with .pjx (project), .pgx (program) and .dtx (data) files. All are Xml format files.

    With Val3, you can read or write other text files (like CSV) for data exchange for example.

    Have a nice day..


    No, you can download all versions (2022/2019/2016/2013...) but, only if you have already cells simulation in SRS2019, I think it's not a good idea to begin with SRS2019.

    But I don't know if you can buy (by Stäubli) a licence for old versions.

    For information :

    SRS2019 is needed to work with CS9 (First steps with Safety configuration tool)

    SRS2022 can upload directly the Safety configuration.

    For simulation SRS1019 and 2022 are not compatible. None problem to edit or modifie programs.

    If you just want to transfert files (To or from robot controller), you can use the both versions (I don't use again 2016 but I thing it's always possible : If you find an old licence, I can make a small test)

    Have a nice day...


    Telemaintenance port: 800

    Fieldbus console port: 5001

    Telnet port: 23

    I confirm :

    <Uint name="remotePort" value="800" />

    <Uint name="fieldbusConsolePort" value="5001" />

    <Uint name="telnetPort" value="23" />


    strange thing happened. I powered off the controller and it does not turn back on. Check different plugs and no current going through it. Any clue

    After reading your different posts, I think you need to control all the connection :).


    Staubli does not allow download of the SRS on their website. Here is the link but I do not want to use their software anyways

    Ok. If you don't want to use it, this question is closed. I use frequently Fillezilla without any problem.

    Have a nice day...


    I use only Filezilla with the configuration :

    In General :

    Protocol : FTP

    Host :

    Encryption : Only Use Ftp (insecure)

    Logon Type : Normal

    User : Maintenance

    Password : xxxxxxxx

    In Advanced :

    Default remote direcory : \usr\usrapp

    in SpeedConnect, just Host, User, Password and Port.

    On windows 7 or 10, the port is 21. Don't anything change the CS8 configuration, only the TCP Address. I don't use Mac. Never issue.

    SRS is free to load or unload files ! You can download it from Staubli Website.

    Have a nice day,


    If you don't have any door on your cell, DOOR1=9-28 and DOOR2=10-29 need to be closed on J109.

    USEB1/2 (14-33 and 15-34) are normaly used for Emergency Stop !

    Try to close DOOR1/2 and USEB1/2 and restart the controler. Be carreful because the robot can be dangerous !

    Read the EIEsgalho answer #16 and give the information (Display and 7 segment)

    Hello Painfull,

    Normaly, the pasword link to the Maintenance profil is standard. To know it, you can call to the concepteor of your cell, or Stäubli services.

    If this pasword has been changed, there is a other profil named Stäubli. Call Stäubli to have some help.

    But I don't thing that the problem is about the profil.

    On some versions of old SRC, there is a special procedure to delete issue files. While this procedure can be dangerous for your system, I don't want to explain it here. Call Stäubli to have good informations...

    Hello Sham,

    This message is comming when the application is stopped before all the movements are executed.

    What do you have in the "Stop()" program ?

    If the "Stop" is empty, your example is correct because you have a "WaitEndMove()" before the "end". The caculator wait the end of the last movement and, only after that, execute the "end". If you remouve the line 16, the robot don't move to the line 15 position, and give you the message.

    Other things :

    - You don't need the "WaitEnmove')" in line 7 (and probabbly not in line ).

    - The Lines 9 and 15 need probably to "moveL" mouvement.

    Have a nice day...

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