Good morning everyone,
Actually i'm working in a robotic cell where i need to rotate the tool of my robot around a cylindrical object.
In this figure i will show you an example:
I'm working with a workobject "temp_wobj" and i start from the robtarget "P_Start".
The revolution around the object is approximately 80 degrees (but it may vary based on a certain input) and during the movement i should keep the point of the tool perpendicular to the surface.
I think i can use a MoveC instruction but i don't know how i can define the final target "P_Fine"
I thought i could define it with RelTool(P_Start,-Radius,0,-Radius,\Rx:=0,\Ry:=-80,\Rz:=0) but with this instruction the rotation occurs around the tool and not around the "temp_wobj" as i want.
How can i define this point without taking it manually? My starting data are only the temp_wobj, the P_Start, the diameter of the object and the degrees.