Something is wrong with the configuration.
Posts by gustavxb
Defenetly looks like the robot lost the Origin Data.
I recommend replacing the batteries in the scara just to be safe.
2. On fanuc you can use Refrence Positions they are stored in axis values and you can set the tolerance.
Space check is also an option its a zone where you need a DI for the robots tcp to enter/leave based on cofiguration and you get a respons on a DO.
Like Alan said you can also use DCS but i generally only use those zones for protecting human life and not machines.
3. I have seen too many crashes with the integer method so i never use it. I prefer to check the robots axis position insted or Space zones.
4. Only registers can be used with select sadly.
You need to contact your fanuc office and ask for the manual or a login to My Fanuc (
The manuals name is B-83914EN-3/04 or B-83914EN/09
A pinout diagram should be avalible inside a manual forthe Schunk tool changer. The Fanuc Pinout should be avalible inside the Mechanical Unit Operator's Manual for your robot.
In this case i would solder the wires together with heathshrink over the joints or if the 9pin cable is long enought you could just use a m12 8pin quick connector.
A lower Payload setting will make the robot accelerate/deccelerate quicker. A too low payload will cause wear and tear on the robot and a higher one will make it go slow.
in most instances a payload instruction should be used everytime a part is picked/dropped but it really depends on the application and robot model.
We had some issues when installing FRVRC on our Computers, This was resolved by installing a early version of roboguied and then updating to a newer one.
For Ethernet/IP to work on Roboguied with a real PLC you need to set $EIP_ENBL_IO. This give Roboguied access to the Pc's EtherNet port.
You also want to use Rack 89 for EtherNet/IP Rack86 is for ControlNet.
More information about the EtherNet/IP setup can be found in the EtherNet/IP Operator's Manual (B-82854EN/04).
We usualy Build our own box for the Euromap 67 and Euromap 73 or 78.
Everything really depends on what your application requires. I never used the options but if you dont requier anything advanced I think they be a good choice.
Sounds like you are using a Depalletizing vision process.
The Z-value on those is calculated based on the scale value. The laser sensor should be connected to a GI or an AI. VR is only from the camera.
Might use $SCR_GRP[1].$MCH_POS_(X) still dont know what my teachers want me to do...
But its anyways in Real so I have to convert it to Integer, saw differents methods to do It.
Now the thing im not sure how to do is where can I get the position of my tool (x,y,z) to move it manually in my HMI, like overwrite the current position with the one I send from my PLC.
Not sure if I explained myself tomorrow in class will try it .
I recommend to use CMD_INFO[1].$CART_POS[x] instead or CMD_INFO[1].$CART_POS_UF[x] if you want the coordinates from the current active userfame.
$SCR_GRP[1].$MCH_POS_(X) only works when the robot is in auto mode.
For sending a position from your HMI you could use a Macro Program and sending X,Y,Z,W,P and R with GI signal then write thoes values to a PR register and sending a DI to start the macro.
Make sure to have a set working range befor sending values and always making sure the values you send or recive are within this range. a crash is likley to happen otherwise.
Along these next weeks will try what you said, still have to inform myself about the variable you talk about, dont really understand how to use it if its a boolean or what.
$SCR_GRP[1].$MCH_ANG[x] is the current joint value in real format. You can't Send negative numbers or real values with a Go so you have to scale it and convert it.