Posts by jan Hic

    The default password for any login in KSS is kuka -- all lowercase.

    However, it's entirely possible to change the password. If the default doesn't work, you're going to have to find the person who changed it.

    All other things working with kuka password but this one not :grinning_squinting_face:

    I have same problem as RoboIvan

    i have X211c all this pins are bridget: 11-12 13-14 1-41 3-42 9-7 10-8 15-16 17-18 40-35 39-36

    I have PROFIsafe

    2 data cables X21 and X21.1

    But i dont know how can i make bridges on X 40?

    I need to reinstall system if password not working?

    Have you password for SAFETY MAINTENANCE? thanks

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