Posts by camillep
Hello i have my DI 0 to 72 in rack 32, i found that it's I/O SLC2 slave, but I don't know what it corresponds to and how it works?
help me please
thanks, no i don't undestand why the system is setup in this way. when i arrived on this project the program was PNS0001. I have a default SERVO-037 SERVO IMSTP input, that i have settled in change UOP auto assignment in full (CRM79) to simple (CRM79), that i had change in other direction the day before
and the second
Cette image montre UOP Out, nous devons voir UOP In.
Désolé j’étais trop rapide, je n’ai pas fait attention
Here the screenshot of the UI config.
If it is hardwired then it is either wired to the wrong input, or your UI config on the robot is setup incorrectly.
i think it's second solution but i don't know how correct my config
As an easy workaround, you could just copy pns0001 to pns008. This isn't a real fix, but it will get your robot running.
Yes i did that, but my company prefers to be in PNS001
i come checked and i think is hardwired, in my PLC i control just PNS1 and not other
controle by a PLC, and i don't know which protocol is used
ok thanks, so my UI 9 to 11 PNS1 to 3 are OFF my UI 12 PNS 4 is ON and UI 13 to 16 PNS 5 to 8 are *, I don't know how tu put them at ON.
Hi everyone,
There you go when I launch my robot in automatic mode, he puts himself defaults, the MEMO-073 program does not exist. He is looking for PNS0008 but my program is PNS0001. I don't know how to do for him search the PNS0001. I have a fanuc 100ib with RJ3iB controller. Please help me. I hope my English is not so bad and you can undestand me.
ok thank you very work.
It's good , it works. Now i want put a loop FOR in a loop FOR, and i don't know how to write this. help me please
I hadn't see this. It's really clear thank you. I hope it's translate now.
non je ne l’ai pas.
J’aimerais faire une construction « pour i=0 à 9 » avec une construction si.
J’espère que ma traduction n’est pas trop mauvaise.
Si je peut mais pour ce que j’ai a faire je prefere ne pas les utiliser je pense faire une boucle for avec la fonction if mais je ne sais pas comment faire?
bonjour, je doit faire une palettisation standard avec un LR Mate 100ib contrôleur RJ3ib. Je n’ai pas instruction FOR, et je voudrait éviter les jump vue que mon nombre de pièce et mes entraxe doivent pouvoir se changer facilement. Il m’a été conseillé d’utiliser des registres pour pouvoir indexer mes positions mais je ne sais pas trop comment faire?
Des idées???