Posts by h8476532
Hello, what do you mean by XML file? What exactly do you need?
I have a JSON file with the offset between joints, and it's possible to get the robot's Denavit–Hartenberg parameters of the robot.
Not sure if this is what you are looking for.
"name": "Tx60l",
"root": {
"name": "base",
"nodes": [
"name": "j1",
"offset": "T(0mm,0mm,210mm)",
"axis": "Vz(1mm)",
"type": "rotoid",
"minimum": "-180°",
"maximum": "180°",
"geometries": [
"name": "ShowHardStop",
"type": "cad",
"visibility": "ShowHardStop",
"path": "J1_HS.xcgm"
"name": "j1",
"type": "cad",
"path": "J1.xcgm"
"nodes": [
"name": "j2",
"offset": "T(0mm,117.35mm,165mm)",
"axis": "Vy(1mm)",
"type": "rotoid",
"minimum": "-127.5°",
"maximum": "127.5°",
"geometries": [
"name": "ShowUlLamp",
"type": "cad",
"visibility": "ShowUlLamp",
"path": "J2_UL_L.xcgm"
"name": "j2_l",
"type": "cad",
"path": "J2_L.xcgm"
"nodes": [
"name": "j3",
"offset": "T(0mm,0.25mm,400mm)",
"axis": "Vy(1mm)",
"type": "rotoid",
"minimum": "-152.5°",
"maximum": "152.5°",
"geometries": [
"name": "j3",
"type": "cad",
"path": "J3.xcgm"
"nodes": [
"name": "j4",
"offset": "T(0mm,-97.6mm,90mm)",
"axis": "Vz(1mm)",
"type": "rotoid",
"minimum": "-270°",
"maximum": "270°",
"geometries": [
"name": "j4_l",
"type": "cad",
"path": "J4_L.xcgm"
"nodes": [
"name": "j5",
"offset": "T(0mm,0mm,360mm)",
"axis": "Vy(1mm)",
"type": "rotoid",
"minimum": "-122.5°",
"maximum": "132.5°",
"geometries": [
"name": "j5",
"type": "cad",
"path": "J5.xcgm"
"nodes": [
"name": "j6",
"offset": "T(0mm,0mm,70mm)",
"axis": "Vz(1mm)",
"type": "rotoid",
"minimum": "-18000°",
"maximum": "18000°",
"geometries": [
"name": "j6",
"type": "cad",
"path": "J6.xcgm",
"offset": "T(0mm,0mm,-70mm)"
"nodes": [
"name": "flange",
"offset": "T(0mm,0mm,0mm)",
"type": "fixed",
"behaviors": [
"type": "frameContainer",
"name": "FrameContainer",
"frames": [
"kind": "handler",
"name": "Flange"
Thank you for your reply! but I think the JSON file will not work, but they have some tutorials to convert the urdf file to the XML file, so if anyone has the urdf file, it will be helpful for me.
The XML format file that is created by Solidworks add-on tool: simscape.
To export to Matlab/Simulink to simulation need the XML file of the robot arm.
I'm new to Val3 and Staubli Robotics.For a school project, our lab buys a Robotiq 2f -85 gripper, now we want to use rs485 to rs232 converter to plug into the cs8c controller, but our lab only uses SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) to control the robot, we don't have the experience in using teach pendant to control the robot.
So how can I use the teach pendant to connect between the cs8c controller and robotiq 2f -85 gripper?
Any help, please.
Thank you!