thanks .
Problem solved .
My wire damaged .
thanks .
Problem solved .
My wire damaged .
please send me an example simple code .
i want move e1 to -30deg with this retr #cls and -50 deg retr #opn command.
gripper & spottech 2.4
Krc 5.6.8
E1 is a servo.gun
I want to make a lot of holes with a diameter of 5 mm by laser cutting. Is this type of robot(krc2) accurate or not?
For laser cutting you need a laser cutter
. A robot is not enough.
If you attach a laser cutter to the above mentioned robots, why shouldn't they be able to do laser cutting.
But the precision may be a problem. Depends on your needs.
Thanks for reply.
i know .laser cutter attached to our robot.
Does the robot(krc2) respond in terms of accuracy?
I configured serial.ini with xonxoff proc and comminucation is good .
But when i change proc to 3649R and send data to laptop i receive 02 02 02 02 15 assci .