Finished the "Electrical Maintenance for R-30iB controllers" a couple weeks ago, management has now decided that I am the plant's robot "expert". Asked for the programming course next, "we just sent you to a class". Difficulty factor - management keeps the pendant inside the robot cage so I must stop production to even see it. Anyway, thats why I am trying to thrash my way through setting up roboguide. Management (very) reluctantly agrees to buy a license if I can demonstrate why I would need it.
Tried all the suggestions offered, finally got the the roboguide controller set up from a full backup but it still will not recognize the physical controller. Robot neighborhood still sees it, browser still works reading the robot,
From Home Page i can run "PC iPendant" (sort of). That never gets past "initializing iPendant Please stand by", throws a "RPC_MAIN port 3002, unable to connect" fault but it loads far enough that I can see the program names as they are called (but not executed).
"too old to quit,
too young to retire"