Hi Guys,
1st time i've intregrated a robot before, this ones a refurb with a krc2 150kg payload
With the help of this forum i've managed to setup devicenet, setup safety working zone, get all my safety circuits right.
I've taught all my bases. tcp's, got some coords in that don't tie the bot in a knot, Cell is a bit Cosy.
Now trying to get it to run in auto ext, using the configuration manual i've got drives on motion enabled ready to go. 2 Green Lights, Waiting for R to light up
I've been reading, changing, reading, reading searching, and still not running cell.src when i change to auto ext.
one odd thing that i've seen; i altered a line in custom.dat following reading
"Automatic system start
If the I/O interface has been activated by setting the system variable $I_O_ACT to the value
TRUE, the output $_I_O_ACTCONF is also switched to TRUE as a feedback signal. If all other
start conditions have been met, the program CELL.SRC can be started by a signal on the
line $EXT_START.
The CELL.SRC program can also, of course, be opened at any time from the user interface.
For automatic system start the following value must be assigned to the system variable
$PRO_I_O in the file “C:\KRC\Roboter\KRC\Steu\MaDa\$CUSTOM.DAT” :
CHAR $PRO_I_O[]=”/R1/SPS()”
After the controller has run up, it always tries to execute the program designated in
$PRO_I_O. "
The line in the program is the same as this,
But the line above from memory is
I edited it to
"$PRO_I_O[]” this edit doesn't seem to stick though as when i reenter the custom.dat its back to the original value "$PRO_I_O[64]”
I've read alot but i think i'm missing 1 thing.
Just one last thing..... I can't believe grippertech is not standard/free? i've used the plc to do the logic which is proberbly a better way but jees for such a simple piece of software. i would understand if it was there but just required installation/activation
Cheers for listening i feel like its a AA meeting