• Hi,
    can some body help me in explaining the what is the "EXT BAS" in Declaration section of the following program example. :wallbash:

    ;------- Declaration section -------
    DECL AXIS HOME ;Variable HOME of type AXIS
    DECL FRAME BASE1 ;Variable BASE1 of type FRAME
    ;----------- Initialization ----------
    BAS (#INITMOV,0 ) ;Initialization of velocities,
    ;accelerations, $BASE, $TOOL, etc.
    HOME={AXIS: A1 0,A2 -90,A3 90,A4 0,A5 0,A6 0}
    BASE1={FRAME: X 300,Y -100,Z 0,A 90,B 0,C 0}
    ;----------- Main section ----------
    PTP HOME ;BCO run
    ; Motion relative to the $BASE coordinate system
    PTP {POS: X 540,Y 630,Z 1500,A 0,B 90,C 0,S 2,T 35}
    ; Motion relative to the $BASE-CS offset by BASE1
    PTP BASE1:{POS: X 540,Y 630,Z 1500,A 0,B 90,C 0,S 2,T 35}

  • Depending on your software version it is either a necessary or legacy declaration of the external BAS program (see BAS.SRC for more details).

    It is so the KSS knows what to do with the following and similar code:

    BAS (#INITMOV,0 )
  • The EXT statement in KRL allows program code in one module (a module consisting of an SRC file and usually a DAT file) to access subroutines and/or functions residing within another module. The module BAS.SRC is a standard part of every KUKAbot and includes a large amount of standardized KUKA KRL code which supports, among other things, menu-driven programming using inline forms.

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