I have a Kuka KR60HA with a KRC2, I believe it has system 5.2 or 5.4. There is a spindle mounted on the robot flange, and we use endmills in the spindle for milling aluminum. We use this to mill flash off aluminum castings
The tool center point and orientation were originally set years ago by the robot integrator, I don't know how they set it.
I would like to reset / verify the tool center point and orientation. I am guessing the orientation is important, because it needs to be perpendicular to the workpiece so the endmills don't cut a draft angle.
In the Kuka manual they have procedures about setting the tool center point and orientation. To set the tool center point I would probably just put a tapered endmill, or a pointed pin in the spindle, and use the standard procedure for 4 point tcp.
However, how would I set tool orientation? With a parallel gripper (like the attached picture from the Kuka manual) it is easy to use the edge of the gripper to set the x,y,z tool orientation. However, with an endmill, the x axis would be in the center of the endmill. Is there some way to use the edge of the endmill to find tool center point? Or is there a special pin geometry that I could put in the spindle to set tool orientation?
Also, I am looking for your thoughts on two ways to do this:
1) a high accuraccy, low speed (manual jogging), low cost way to do this
2) a high accuraccy, high speed (automatic) way to do this, that could potentially cost $$$.
Thanks for the help!