Hi! i'm getting out this error as soon as I try to modify a PTP in a program. Just tried to solve it installing UserTech V 2.3.2 Build 05. But the error is still there. Any ideas ABOUT IT? I've never seen this error before... thanks a lot.

IlFincoITA -
October 17, 2011 at 11:50 AM -
Thread is Resolved
According to the error manual, error 10 should be "ERROR DIGITAL OUTPUTS".
Is it only on one PTP motion, or all PTP motions?
Did you recently upgrade your KSS version or transfer the program(s) from a different KSS version? Are there any other Tech packages you installed or un-installed recently?
Can you upload your program? The motion fold data may be messed up.
Hi All,
Can anyone help on this? I reloaded the old backup but still I am getting the same error.
Please post, its urgent.
way too little info...
1. what is the KSS?
2. where is the code? did you check fold structure for that PTP (no double ENSFOLD etc.)
3. what changed (KSS, tech packages, imported program from different robot)?
4. ok so attempt to make change results in an error but... does the program run (before edit)?
5. does the same thing happen if you create a new program module?