Our RoboDK version is 5.3.3. - KRC4 post processor
KukaSim version 4.3/ Robot Controller KR C4/ Firmware version 8.6.4
I'm working on a robot project where the robot follows an oval path with a welding torch (curve follow projecct). The robot is on a linear track and the oval path is attached on a turn table. This application had many complications when transferring the generated code to KukaSim robot program.
I decided to simplify the application in order to track down the exact behaviour of the interactino between these two environments.
First simplified version worked out as expected.
Only a robot and a square shaped workpiece:
KUKA KR 8 R2100-2 Arc HW + Fronius MTB500i Welding Gun
+ Workpiece
I generated a curve follow project and copied the generated code to KukaSim, and the behaviour was idetical to RoboDK simulation, using only robot motions. TCP followed the extracted curve accurately. No synchronized external axes in the mix at this point.
In the next iteration I added a turn table:
KUKA KR 8 R2100-2 Arc HW + Fronius MTB500i Welding Gun
+ KUKA DKP 400
+ Workpiece
Here things start to get a slightly more puzzling. Robot and the DKP 400 are synchronized, with the optimization 'move only external axis'.
In RoboDK, the behaviour looks correct; the workpiece rotates on the table and robot TCP follows the extracted curve of the rotating workpiece accurately, with minimal robot motions.
When I generate the code and transfer it to KukaSim, we can start to see some differences in how the motions behave.
After I've setup the BASE FRAME so that the TCP meets the workpiece in the same manner as in RoboDK simulation, the motion path separates from the workpiece and I have trouble figuring out what happens.
The motions contain the same coordinates in both environments, and the component placement is identical, except for the orientation of the turn table, as the base coordinate system of the DKP 400 in RoboDK seems to differ by 90 dgerees from the base coordinate system in the same component in KukaSim. This might add some additional hurdles, but I think I'm on top of that issue.
Any help would be highly valued, as we hope to expand into working with more projects utilizing RoboDK and KukaSim. I'd like to nail the workflow so I have a reference project that can be used as an example to build upon.
Noteworthy that the BASE FRAME required some adjustments to align with KukaSim, as pointed out in the robot program screenshot taken from KukaSim.
Best regards,
Tuomas J
Code generated by RoboDK:
Code inserted in KukaSim with adjustments to BASE FRAME to match component setup.
Below is a link to the simulation as it runs in RoboDK:

Below is a link to the program execution as it runs in KukaSim 4.3: