In an attempt to make the KRL development experience feel more like Python REPL .. for those desiring faster feedback cycles
Workflow is:
1. Edit your *.{src,dat,sub} files which are mounted via smb://.. share in your decent editor (i.e. Cursor.. Vim.. etc) on laptop.
2. Automate the GUI of VNC remote desktop of the smartPAD in order to..
- invalidate the cache of the file that was just edited and..
- restart the submit interpreter test_harness.sub for yourfunction.src ..
- so that you can watch a tail of your results in realtime via:
- tail -f /Volumes/
This all happens in ~5s from hitting "save" in Cursor.
Here's the demo of the workflow for Cursor ==> Live KRL runtime

This is obviously just a rough and dirty test of GUI automation. Basically i record a macro of click locations and keystrokes (required to invalidate the cache of the old version of the file so that KUKA actually runs the updated code. The goal naturally is to ultimately navigate the smart pad with something akin to the open source browser-use or Anthropic's computer-use
So that we can give the reigns of our deadly 3m tall KUKA to certainly benevolent artificial super intelligence.
Naturally this setup also works remotely if you happen to be in a different country than your robot, just forward the ports via a box you have on site over your tailscale network to have your VNC and smb connections..