Hi all,
I’m hoping to get some help. I don’t have a robotics background and am not familiar with the different kinematic approaches. Although I think what I’m trying to accomplish just requires some trig.
I want to be able to manually calculate the moment on J4, while its axis is parallel to the floor, of a 6-axis robot (i.e. UR10, CRX10, R1000, etc.) based on the angles of J4, J5, and J6. Obviously, geometry differs across robot models, but here's my diagram that most resembles a CRX. I'm struggling to calculate the total payload distance from the J4 axis. I’ve broke down the wrist segments and payload offset into their respective Z lengths. Z1 and Z2 are straightforward, but I can't seem to figure out Z3/Z4 once the rotation of J6 needs to be accounted for. Looking for any advice, thanks!
Z1 = l1*cos(ϴJ4)
Z1 = l2*sin(ϴJ4)*sin(ϴJ5)