I am wokrking with Staubli CS8C. I am using siemens 1500, and staubli cs8c. The communication card is PC104 PFB (profibus).
In Siemens HW, I have gsdml PC104PFB, 1 byte IN and 1 byte OUT (for testing). Address 8.
In ApplicomIO (4.1), I added the card PCU-DPIO, and gsdml PC104PFB (profibus address: 8, 1 byte IN and 1 byte OUT).
The Export on Staubli is Successful. The status of the card is 1F and the color is Magenta. In manuals this means
The board was initialized with an earlier version of applicomIO®.it is recommended that you reinitialize the boards. |
When I try to Initialize, I get an error (Initialization Failed). What could be wrong? The same is with Download and Flash.