I am working on a DX100 machine with two Robots + two Stations: R1, R2, S1, S2
We have a part position detection installed to allow relocation of a weld seam.
I prepared Jobs to test the function and if I use R1 everything works fine (R1S1:S1). A macro Job get's the Shift value, writes it into P020. In the work job I use SSFTON P020 and SMOVL --> R1 moves to the desired position
If I use R2 it does not work however. (R2S1:S1)
The Robot ignores the SSFTON P020 instruction and keeps moving (SMOVL) to the same spot, whatever the value in the P020 variable.
A normal SFTON Shift + MOVL instruction DOES work properly with R2.
Up to now I did NOT try converting into MTF, even it is a synchronous movement, but the Shift stays on Y axis only and it DOES work with R1. I will try it now, but want to understand why one robot works but not the other.