Hello everyone. Please help me. My machine has an error "1376 Active commands inhibited", it works abnormally. That is, when I press the start button behind KCP in T1 mode, it says "1376 Active commands inhibited" but I can still move the Axes. Sometimes I can't move any axis. When I can't move, I have to restart in Coolstart mode. After starting in this mode, the axes can usually move (although the message "1376 Active commands inhibited" still appears on the screen), but it doesn't always move, sometimes it still doesn't work after restarting, forcing me to turn off the machine completely. S I R position (S is Green, I is Red).
I see on the forum there is also content about this error, but still no one has solved it. I hope those who have experience can share how to fix this error to help me. Thank you very much.