Hello guys, Happy New Year (A bit late but ok)
First I already have a good experience with HMI and one day while training for a robotics competition, I got a project to train with a lot of process and logics but a simple HMI, it's just 2 lamps, 1 start button and 6 EditBox,
This is just to give a context to the HMI: There is a machine that will storage 6 small cylinders with 3 different colors (1,2,3 values) one above the other, then you put a order of colors in the HMI, and when you start the simulation the exact order appears, wherever every time a piece is got, the rest fall, and the HMI changes the values to the new order at real time
But the big problem is, every time that I will change the value in the HMI, while the projects is running or not, mostly of the time it's just suddenly closes my ROBOGUIDE for no apparently reason, and the current save get rewritten to an older save or has issues opening
I don't know if is something wrong that I did with my HMI, or if the cell has too much thing running at the same time, but I would appreciate it if someone could help me understand better about this problem, and maybe more why HMI Crashes, also if needed I can provide more information