Hello everyone, I have a Kuka210 using VKRC2ed05 v5.4 that often shows the error "Accu Voltage at PM1 be Below 22 volts during last bufering" when I first turn it on, can everyone help me guide me how to handle them? The supplier's engineer said it was a normal message, but I don't think it's a message for a normal robot.
In addition, there are some errors like: "Active commands inhibited" error when I try to press the Start button to move the Robot in Manual mode. When this error appears, sometimes I can still move the robot even though the screen still says so, but sometimes I can't? When I can't move, I have to restart the robot in Coolstart mode. Even though restarting it doesn't remove the error message, it can still move.
and another error appears as shown in the image below. Chinese engineers are trying to help me but still can't.
Please help me. Thank you.
Error PM1 Below 22 volts... when turning on the machine and error " Active commands inhibited" appears when pressing the Start button to move the Robot in Manual mode.
PhunxamLinda -
January 6, 2025 at 9:17 AM -
Thread is Unresolved
This error appears from time to time.
Can anyone help me see if it is be
cause I configured the E1 spindle wrong that it appears?
This is the code of the E1 shaft motor, combined with a gearbox with a gear ratio of 110/1.
Accu Voltage at PM1 be Below 22 volts during last bufering
My guess the accu are defect or simply old and have lost their capacity. Change with brand new ones.
Also talk to your seller. They should not sell you a controller with no longer working accus.
My guess the accu are defect or simply old and have lost their capacity. Change with brand new ones.
Also talk to your seller. They should not sell you a controller with no longer working accus.
Hi. Thanks for your feedback. Can you tell me what device Accu is?
An accu is a battery to guarantee shutdown in case of powrr outage. They are usually at the bottom of the control cabinet. Details can be found in the control cabinet manual. I think krc2 had 2 batteries 12 Volt 5Ah if I remember correctly. Also details for your controller can be found in the cabinet manual.
If so then it is these 2 batteries.
My robot recently has a phenomenon that if I turn it on and do nothing for 15-20 minutes, when I do something (move a certain axis of the robot in manual mode), it will automatically turn off. The Atomat automatically jumps.
Akkus are batteries shown in post #11. they are either old/defective or PM1 is defective or there is a bad wiring/connection.
A lot of problems can be traced to bad wiring. i have seen case where tapping finger on the middle of KRC2 door causes reboot. problem was badly routed cables so they got chewed up by opening and closing cabinet door.
i do not know what "Atomat" is.
Danke schön. Können Sie mir sagen, ob ich diesen Roboter der alten Generation durch einen ähnlichen Batterietyp (nicht von KUKA geliefert) ersetzen kann?