I am creating a program with control group R1 +S1 :S1.
The station is a fixed rotary index table.
I have created the EX position variables with the respective pulse data for the station at various degrees of interest i.e. 0, 90, 180, 270 and 360.
My problem is as followed.
0013 MOVL P023 V=11.0 + MOVJ EX000 (P023 Robot at initial cutting position, EX000 Table at @ 0°)
0014 MOVL P024 V=0.5 + MOVJ EX001 VJ=50.00 (P024 New pulse data robot moves backwards along Y axis about 50mm, EX001 Table rotates 90°)
I noticed that when I change the robot linear speed it would change my turntable speed, I could change the VJ for the second portion of the control group but it would not affect rotational speed of the turntable.
Am I missing something within the setup settings to control these speeds independently? i.e. set speed