Hello everyone,
I am currently starting to work with a STAUBLI robot type TX2-160, CS9 controller, I am not too familiar with the val3 language, I need to create a forbidden limit zone for the robot, for this I have configured everything through the safe cell+ license, I have created the two reference positions, the referencing sensor (input from PLC), the volume or the forbidden zone for the robot and the rest of the necessary settings. I did not type any code on val3 for this referencing subject, when I transfer this configuration, on SP2 a safety message is displayed: safe referencing required but not defined. You have to go to safereference 1 and make the reference (I have an SS1 stop for this).
My question / request: can you please tell me if I need code or a small program to do for this: if yes so can someone help me on this, knowing that I have a simple main program that runs on the robot and that allows to make a simple trajectory.
Thanks in advance.