How we can load kuka robot safety XML file
Shubham Jain -
December 3, 2024 at 12:08 PM -
Thread is Unresolved
use KUKA WorkVisual to load XML file
maleza can you give the steps where we can load
i do not know what you are trying to do. load XML file into what? what XML file? if you are working with KRC4 or KRC5, there are many xmL files. some of them are part of the KSS, some of them are part of WoV project. WoV is used to manage/configure/deploy WoV project.
managing/configuration is done through GUI so name, location and content of XML files is not something user need to be concerned about.
so... what is that you are really trying to do?
panic mode I want to load Safely XML file to robot directly or via work visual any one is preferable.
ROBOT Safety for fencing which safety XML file we got from offline process simulate.
get familiar with product and documentation...
to change robot safety configuration on KRC4 or KRC5 one deploys and activates WoV project...
EDIT... just noticed that this is for simulation.
File -> Import / Export -> Import Local safety configuration
I get safety configurations from Kuka Sim and send them to the robot with work visual like this.