I am trying to connect external emergency stop switch and 3 NPN sensors for the Spindle, and connect the I/O pins (FWD/REV,SG+/SG-, GND/+9V) of the inverter to the KRC2 controller. Can anyone send me the documentation for connecting these I/O pins on the KRC2? KR210, KRC2 V5.5. Thank you very much.
Connect external Emergency Stop switch for KRC2
PhunxamLinda -
November 28, 2024 at 3:26 PM -
Thread is Unresolved
I am trying to connect external emergency stop switch
External E-Stop, Safeguard, Qualifying Inputs, Drives Off, and Enabling Channels must be wired via the X11 connector.
3 NPN sensors for the Spindle, and connect the I/O pins (FWD/REV,SG+/SG-, GND/+9V) of the inverter to the KRC2 controller.
Any non-Safety signals will need to be wired via an additional I/O module. What I/O devices does your KRC2 have currently?
I don't find the X11 connector symbol on this KRC2 control cabinet, I only see the x22 Jack left open, connecting to pins X2, X3 and an Omron IO Terminal here.
That is not standard KRC2... so instead of X11 your controller has XS2
Hello Panic Mode. My controller is KRC2ed05, indeed I can't find the X11 Jack on this control cabinet. I checked and I see only the Omron Module is connected from the MCF3 card down. Do you have any document that guides how to connect this IO on KRC2ed05? Thank you very much.
please no hijacking....
one topic - one question.
and this topic is about EStop... stay on it.
if you want to discuss IO wiring to MFC, just start separate topic.
btw. all that you need already mentioned in Read First topic, including how to check KSS version, where to find documentation, what the key manuals are etc.
Thanks Panic Mode!, I will create a new topic, hope everyone helps.