Hello, received 4 KUKA controllers. Their type is ecmap1d3404be531, ecmbs3d4444be531. I would like to know more about them but I can't find any information. Please advise how to get the manual.

Manuals for KUKA servo drivers
Pafol -
November 20, 2024 at 5:29 AM -
Thread is Resolved
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ecmap1d3404be531, ecmbs3d4444be531
No idea what those are.
sounds like KPP and KSP internal or 3rd party part numbers that nobody cares about.
if you want to identify KUKA product use KUKA article number or name that is commonly used in documentation.
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KSP is "KUKA Servo Pack". this unit is a bundle of 3 servo amplifiers of same size (20A, 40A or 64A).
KPP is "KUKA Power Pack". it is a power supply that converts 3phase AC into DC (intermediate bus) which is used to power servo amplifiers. One KPP can power more than one KSP. OVer time KUKA introduced several KPP types. early one was just power supply (without servo amplifiers) so nowadays that one is called KPP0. but there are also KPPs that have one two or even three servo amplifiers built in. Those units are called KPP1, KPP2 and KPP3 (the digit after KPP indicates number of servo amplifiers). that is the short notation. the long notation is
KPP 600 xxxx 1x64
KPP 600 xxxx 3x20
but.... the PRIMARY function of KPP is still to be a power supply. those add-on servo amplifiers are just bonus. and because physically they are same size (and heatsink is still the same size), the more amplifiers are added, the smaller current ratings they have.
so there are
KPP1 64A
KPP1 40A
KPP2 40A
KPP3 20A
but there is no
KPP3 40A or
KPP3 64A
about getting manuals for those.... there are none.
about getting manuals for those.... there are none.
Thank you for your reply. Am I correct in understanding that there is no documentation on them at all?
If there would be any you would find then in KUKA Xpert. But as panic said there are none.