Hello, is there perhaps a replacement part that performs the same function as this one. It is important to me that it is cheaper. greetings
replacement signal release part
Uros Marinkovic -
November 20, 2024 at 3:54 AM -
Thread is Unresolved
which part? i see several pieces that form a unit.
first one seem be a devicenet bus coupler (BK5200?). the lower cost device should be LC5200.
or...choose different brand, if you can get better value... (this will mean replacing the I/O slices as well).
DeviceNet I/O is available from MANY companies...
Beckhoff, Wago, Omron....
I would like to separate the power supplies of the two machining heads on the robot. the processing heads would be powered by two different frequency regulators, and I would like to connect them so that the control unit of the robot turns on each motor separately. Do I need any other components besides this devicenet controller, which, if I'm not mistaken, should be connected to the mfc card in the PC (green contacts at the output of the card)
you lost me...
MFC is a multi function card. among various supported functions it also can work as a DeviceNet master. you can connect it to multiple DeviceNet slaves (even when some of them are integrated into different units). the bus coupler or "brains" of the slaves need to be connected to KRC power so that you don't get bus failures when one of the machines is off. (you can check manuals to see if DeviceNet driver supports coupling of the I/O - if so, program can disconenct and reconnect missing nodes on the go). the IO side of each slave can be powered from the machine. this ways each node (master and every slave) are isolated.
has anyone connected this before, do you have a scheme for connecting devicenet with krc and mfc card
Hello, is there perhaps a replacement part that performs the same function as this one. It is important to me that it is cheaper. greetings
Do you already have this device? It would be easier to make changes by adding some "slices" (these guys):
Beckhoff makes multiple versions of these for different signal handling -- high voltage, low voltage, analog, etc. There are also "dividers" that break the backplane voltage so that grounds and power can be separated between upstream and downstream.
I would like to separate the power supplies of the two machining heads on the robot. the processing heads would be powered by two different frequency regulators, and I would like to connect them so that the control unit of the robot turns on each motor separately. Do I need any other components besides this devicenet controller, which, if I'm not mistaken, should be connected to the mfc card in the PC (green contacts at the output of the card)
The MFC is the DeviceNet controller -- specifically, the X801 connector. The Beckhoff module you showed is a DN device. It is controlled by the MFC card.
Is that Beckhoff already connected to your robot? Or, rather, what I/O does your robot have connected already?
currently, I only have two frequency converters of the required components (I am attaching the model for you), I wanted to consult with people from this profession which components I need in order to know what I should buy from the following components.
currently, I only have two frequency converters of the required components (I am attaching the model for you), I wanted to consult with people from this profession which components I need in order to know what I should buy from the following components.
The basic KRC2 has no discrete (wire by wire) I/O installed. All KRC2s have the X801 DeviceNet control connector. So the most direct method is to make a DeviceNet connection between the MFC and a module similar to the Beckhoff module you showed.
NOTE: This wiring needs to be done with great care -- doing it carelessly can DESTROY the MFC card!
There are many brands, but I recommend avoiding Allen Bradley. I've always like the Turck modules, like this one. You'll need at least one Output module, and maybe an Input module.
You will need a high-quality 24VDC power supply, and a shielded 5-pin DeviceNet cable. The cable will need to be terminated with 220 ohms on each end.
Most DeviceNet modules draw communications power from the 5-pin DeviceNet cable, but draw output power from the 4-pin Auxiliary Power connection.
What module you select will depend on what sorts of signals your VFDs require. Might be dry-contact (relay style), or 24VDC, or some kind of analog voltage.
Can I perform this operation without the turck module by directly connecting mfc with bechoff
Can I perform this operation without the turck module by directly connecting mfc with bechoff
Yes. Almost any DeviceNet device can be controlled through X801. Although the Allen-Bradley modules often require an Allen-Bradley PLC to configure their parameters first, they won't work directly out of the box. Turck, Wago, Beckhoff, should all work without any issues.
The Beckhoff (and Wago) devices with the "slice" I/O can be a bit tricky to work out the addresses for each slice, so that may take some extra work (and careful attention to the manuals), but I've used them many times with KRC2s in the past.
Thank you so much for the information, I was searching for the answer.