Hi all, I'm having some issues synchronizing and installing projects.
Setup: Kuka LBR iiwa 14 R820 running Sunrise OS 1.17
Last week I was able to install and synchronize my project with no issue; however, today it fails to synchronize. I receive the following error
The synchronized project caused an error in the controller, see details.
Error while querying listener 'com.kuka.roboticsAPI.applicationServer.services.setupService.internal.SetupService$ProjectManagerListenerImpl@1a1732d'.
Failed to get tool templates from application data source
Not sure if this has any impact, but when I try to synchronize the project, it says the project on the controller was changed by the KukaUser which doesn't make sense to me.
I have no idea what the issue and thus how to fix it. I tried reinstalling the project and installing a fresh project, but in both cases receive the following error:
Installation was aborted because of an error on controller 'KUKA_Sunrise_Cabinet_1'. Further details can be found in the controller log.
The SmartPad HMI log provides the following information:
Thanks in advance for any help!