%COMMENT = 'Move robot to a specific position'
-- Declarations
my_pos : XYZWPR -- Position variable
tpProgName : STRING[32] -- Name of the TP program to execute
env_id : INTEGER -- Environment ID (set to -1 for the default environment)
-- Set up the position values manually
my_pos.x = 48.000 -- X-coordinate in mm
my_pos.y = 27.000 -- Y-coordinate in mm
my_pos.z = 20.000 -- Z-coordinate in mm
my_pos.w = 90.000 -- W orientation in degrees
my_pos.p = 0.000 -- P orientation in degrees
my_pos.r = 90.000 -- R orientation in degrees
-- Set the TP program name to move the robot
tpProgName = 'MOVE_TO_POS' -- Specify a valid TP program name
-- Set environment ID to -1 for the default
env_id = 0;
-- Execute the TP program with all required parameters
RUN_TASK(tpProgName, -1, env_id)
-- Output a message indicating that the TP program was executed
WRITE('TP program executed. Monitor status externally.', CR)
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I have this KAREL code to move the robot for a specific position, but I'm encountering syntax errors. Can someone help me identify the issues and provide solutions?