Having an issue I want to run past you folks.
We have a KUKA KRC2-ED05 controller running CAMROB. Our setup was assembled by RSI. I am using RoboDK to post my code. When I post code for just the robot without the rotary table in play I get perfectly fine code that I can run and that aligns exactly with the RoboDK simulation. When I post code with the rotary table in play the system does not execute the moves as the simulation shows. The robot rotates A4 when it should be relatively stationary as the simulation has the head in a locked orientation. The rotary table moves but the A4 motion seams to be at about the same rate as the rotary table. Like the rotary and A4 are linked somehow. I am not knowledgeable enough about KUKA camrob code to make that determination for certain.
I have been doing the email run around with the roboDK people. If they are going to fix it for me its going to take a really long time.
Have also been trying to get RSI to help me fix this but they, being a Eureka robot simulator retailer, have no incentive to help me get RoboDK to work on their system. Even though we bought a remote support contract from them. They basically say their system is setup for Robotmaster, powermill, Eureka and that RoboDK wont work. Have to say they are wrong, because I can run 6 axis code fine. I cant imagine why it would be impossible to get it to work with the rotary table. Really do think they are blowing smoke at me to get me to buy their 18k$ software.
We have a copy of powermill 2017 but it is like driving a freight train compared to the bicycle like ease of roboDK. Can only rarely get code that will actually run correctly from powermill, I hate it.
I have included 2 text files that have the .csv output from a sample code that has the rotary axis in play (rotestcsvoutput.txt) and one that has no rotary output (nonrotestcsvoutput.txt). FYI, these toolpaths are from completely different shapes. In camrob code the CSV file contains all of the movements except the initial joint pose, so I don't think you will need the source file it runs from to see the difference in the code.
Been brushing up on my Python coding so I can probably edit the post (with the help of chatGPT) if I can pinpoint exactly what the problem is.
Thank you for your time! I really appreciate this community!!