A little background on the situation: I am working with a MX350 and E controller. There is an auto tool changer on the robot. The goal is to use Cubic S to protect all of the tools while using multiple TCP's on at least 1 of the tools. The project has been constructed in block step per customer requirements. We currently have CBS_TOOLCHANGE and CBS_AUXTOOL1 set to true.
I am struggling with understanding the correlation between TCP's, the Tool number, the ToolID for Cubic S and the tool column in the block step commands. Most of our EOAT's have 1 TCP. The current plan is to set the TCP to match the tool number (that is returned when we pick up a specific tool), and tool ID. The working example would be: We pick up tool 5, we get Tool number=5 from the EOAT pinout, we use Tool 5 TCP for all points taught in block step, and we set Tool ID 5 to ma
Our first issue comes into play with Tool 7. We are using 4 different TCP's for tool 7 as it is a combo tool. When we pick up the tool we get a 7 back to the Tool number and set tool ID=7. Is it possible to keep Cubic S happy if we have Tool ID set to 7 and change the TCP to 8,9,10 for different moves through block step?
I am being brought in halfway through this issue and I'm trying to play catch up. The way I understand the AS manual is that Tool Number will be generated from the pins on the tool changer. This should be used to set Tool ID which tells cubic S the shape of the EOAT. The issue that is being reported to me is that we can't have a different TCP # on our moves. Is this accurate or is there something else missing? I see in AS we would need to run a line of code like the following:
TOOL tli1,1
Is there a similar command for block step?
Thank you in advance for any help.