Hello Panikatak, so I attached the files and sent them, but I have not received a response yet. I discovered another problem on the computer, replaced the 3 volt battery, after every reboot it did not save the IP address. reinstalled safe operation kss8.2 has no disk configuration editor. - what did you mean? need to install something? now i have such errors

ProfiSafe communication error
xlyanyura -
September 21, 2024 at 3:40 PM -
Thread is Unresolved
I still don't have mood inputs and outputs, maybe that's the problem?
not hard drive... i was not talking about servo drive configuration editor... when working with KSS8.2 there is no servo drive configuration editor - only newer KSS version have this. so when integrating external axis etc on a KSS8.2 one has to use a workaround - select and manual insert into project one of the drive configuration templates (known as "wagon driver configuration"). check Work visual help on this.
I did everything as you said, chose my model from the list, connected the device, rebooted, activated safe mode. But the errors remained the same .
Hi panic, I replaced two files and now I have these errors. Then everything is still the same.
hello, I still have those errors, how can I overcome the error kss00001. Cook's support told me that something is wrong with the smartpad, but I checked the red button, when I press it, the error kss15005 appears. The cable also rang, everything is fine. What could be the problem, please at least someone can tell how it can be fixed?
reading messages in order of occurence:
1. KSS00404, common message when safety related issue is present. this is just a catch all type of message, it is not detailed, other messages are meant to provide more info.
2. KSS00203, login as expert, goto menu Home>Config>AutoExtern, change move enable input to 1025 and this will go away.
3. 4. KSS00205 Software limit A2/A3. This does not prevent you from moving robot. If it did, mastering robot would be impossible. This will go away once you can move the robot (Assuming present software limtis are correct)
5. KSS11011, connection to PLC timed out, this will be there until you have connection to PLC. this does not trigger breaking reaction, it does not block motion or program execution.
6. brake test required is normal when SafeOperation is active. does not prevent you from moving robot.
7. KSS15004, I/O error in safe device. Suggests that some (unspecified) safety device has a problem. This message DOES prevent you from moving robot...
8. KSS00001 EStop... messages suggest that issue is related to smartPad EStop but this is not necessarily the case. this may simply be a result of safety error mentioned in previous messages.
This is as far as things can go based on interpretting screenshots or looking at archive. For further diagnostics collect KrcDiag and send it to KUKA. This will contain additional details such as hardware logs etc. Most of things in KrcDiag used for troubleshooting are proprietary and need correct tool/resources to parse. If you like you are welcome to read them too. btw, in KSS8.2 it is recommended to ignore first KrcDiag - just make second one.I know you are eager to make it work... when dealing with complex issues i like to rule out software. so deploying clean image would be high on my priority list since:
a) this is pretty quick if you have right things at your disposal (USB recovery stick and good backup).
b) this replaces thousands of files and there is no knowing which of them could have been the problem. so replacing the entire image mcleans the slate and gives pretty good confidence that software side is fine (if one has good backup or clean image).
c) no hardware is needed.If you do not have known good backup image of that robot, create one now (even if possibly suspect) then try restoring image from hidden partition.
if that still does not help, contact KUKA and ask them to prepare link for your KSS+software options.
if the issue still remains, it is likely that problem is in hardware.
you can try checking diagnostics screens and compare results to a known good values or reference. but this is hard and meant for insiders. the best and fastest way to proceed is to simply start swapping parts. this means need to have access for replacement parts or another KRC4. Note: in KRC4 everything is safety rated - smartPad, RDC, KPP, KSP, CCU... so technically anything could be the problem.
so if you have access to another robot you can try swapping parts.
easiest to swap is smartPad. but... read pinned topic READ FIRST on this... smartPad firmware has to match... Normally this upgrade/downgrade is automatic, just let it run and give it some time... but ... that is not the case on KSS8.2. so if the replacement smartPad is not from system also running KSS8.2 the only way to upgrade/downgrade is manually. and that is risky... you can end up with bricked smartPad. -
My next steps:
1. opened a basic project that was at work .
2. The project had a different model of robot KR210 r2700 replaced with KR210 r3100 ultra + added an external axis KL1500-3T_KPP40_V01, replaced KPP0 with KPP1 in the project
3. Downloaded the project, many other errors appeared
4. Replaced WaggonDriverConfigurations (KPP 600-20-1x40 (1x64))
5. Added profinet (checked the activate box) (foto1)
6. Downloaded and restarted with a cold start
7. Activated the safety configuration
At this point, I still have the same errors.
I'm attaching additional photos. -
You can check now I got new errors after I uninstalled Safeopcrc and reinstalled it. the switch, gray button, emergency stop, rear keys do not work on the smartpad. And there is no connection on top, everything is red.
1. opened a basic project that was at work .
Doesn't make sense at all.
Go back to your old project located on robot when delivered.
Hi Herman, I restored it from the archive, there were 3 fewer errors, but there is still no connection.
I solved this problem by reinstalling KRC, which I had on the D drive. I connected the monitor, ended all running programs and booted the installation. But I still can't move the robot, I can't activate the drivers. так як panic mode We once again returned to these mistakes that you have already described to me. so my main error remains KSS15004. Can you help me identify this device?
Hello again, I have installed a PLC E7 1200 1214FC. I have configured the inputs and outputs in TIA, but still I have errors KSS15004, KSS15008, what else should I check and in which direction should I go?
you are still not sharing important details and my patience is also reaching limits. so lets try this one more time:
whatever direction you choose, you need to have a plan - and follow it. and you should keep track of things you tried and keep track of what works, what does not. there is no sense in repeating mistakes.and if things reach dead end, start from scratch and confirm every step taken. chances are something was skipped.
also the order of steps matters.... it is pointless to work on auto-external signals if you still don't have I/Os working or cannot move robot because of wrong safety configuration.
and every step taken need to have a goal, reasoning and justification. this is essential for any plan to work. without that, making changes is just stumbling in the dark and blindly bumping into obstacles. and trying to do everything in ONE shot is possible but very unlikely to work - and you are fighting on too many fronts. try modular approach, solve things in smaller steps, then move onto the next one:
in AutoExternal configuration i would just make sure that move enable is set to 1025 and that's it. all other settings are irrelevant until later - after you have robot working.
i would not activate safeop monitoring until everything else is working fine. because this ties your hands and only puts more constraints that is more hoops to jump through. aim smaller, do it in steps.
you can also try to setup only standard IO connection - gain experience and get some response from PLC. then add ProfiSafe...
examples about having a plan:3V coin cell battery is used to store CMOS ram settings. this is what BIOS uses to backup key hardware settings like memory timing, enabling of peripherals, etc. this is all low level (hardware) settings related to motherboard. justification to replace battery is fine but reasoning about expectations is wrong. this has nothing to do with application settings. this is not where IP address is saved (post #21).
also this is an English forum (post #32). as suggested in READ FIRST, language and screenshots in this forum should be in English. if you wish to use other languages, i can move this topic to Other languages. maybe you will have more luck there. your call...
about what to try next:
to provide help, one need to understand what you understand... and what you have shared. unfortunately - both are lacking...
the very first step of ANY networking is to ensure that nodes have compatible network settings and that they use correct ports. maybe you got this part right but i have seen nothing that CONFIRMS that.
ProfiNet connection must use KLI port and relevant settings are tied to virtual5 and one MUST use static addresses. Looking at KLI config i see that settings there appear typical/default. KLI is using static IP and subnet mask is so your PLC must be in the same subnet - subnet mask must be the same and IP address must be between and but not because that is used by the robot.
screenshot in post #19 also shows same IP suggesting that your computer is also connected to KLI. (no other choice in KSS 8.2). but that also means you must be either using an ethernet switch, so that PLC can be on that same network... OR... you are constantly reconnecting cable to KLI port. are you?
if you are using Ethernet switch you should be able to PING both PLC and KRC from your computer. did you ever do this? what are the network settings of the PLC?
and what are the network settings of your PC? I often assign multiple IPs to my machine so i can talk to different things quickly. you may have the same thing on your machine - so you can talk to both PLC and KRC even if they are on different subnets and cannot talk to each other. so do not make us guess... tell us what you are really using.
and what are the settings of your Ethernet Switch? are you sure that it is not interfering with what you are trying to do? Is it even suitable for this application?
and that is just the first step....
as you can se it takes a lot of effort and digging though 30+ posts to piece things together. we should not need to waste time on basic things like this. this is exactly why topic READ FIRST exists. since you don't present data in an organized fashion, it is not easy to help which is why most have given up.
the very next step would be to decide role of each node and amount of data to be exchanged. since using ProfiSafe, roles are fixed - PLC must be master and KRC must be slave. also size of safety I/O is fixed to 8 bytes and device (slave) stack is enabled but size of standard data is not confirmed or matched. in one of the posts i saw it was set to 256 on the robot side. no clue what it is on the PLC side... or if PLC is even using safety IO... it MUST have a safety task in which reserved bits are set to TRUE. i still have not seen any sign of this. -
Good afternoon panic. Thank you for your clarification because I was a little confused and as you said I was stuck, I thought that connecting the PLC and configuring the inputs and outputs would solve my problem, but unfortunately not. So I will answer your questions and send you my settings that I have made so far.
1. AutoExternal 1025.
I uninstalled 2 safeop and currently have the following programs installed
If I understood correctly, I configured the inputs and outputs here, and when I turned on the TIA, the inputs also changed and those circles became red, for example, drive_on mode false or true
My network settings
in AutoExternal configuration i would just make sure that move enable is set to 1025 and that's it. all other settings are irrelevant until later - after you have robot working.
Only the signal move_enable is relevant for moving robot in manual mode, when it is set to 1025 you have everything done regarding aut ext signals, until you want to use aut ext for production.
i would not activate safeop monitoring until everything else is working fine. because this ties your hands and only puts more constraints that is more hoops to jump through. aim smaller, do it in steps.
This doesn't mean to uninstall safety operation, that means you should set it to inactive! That's just one mark in the configuration. So:
I uninstalled 2 safeop ....
Wasn't intended by panic_mode. But should be ok.
You need a safe program on PLC that sets the safe outputs like e-Stop and so on to robot (see manual for profisafe). On plc you must use the FC for reintegrating the safe I/O's of robot.
Last week I spent some hours to do it, profisafe and profinet betwee siemens S71200 1214fc and robot from Mercedes. Tomorrow I can share the backups with you.