What is the proper way to use posemult and poseinv to copy a robtarget to another wobj?
I've tried searching the web and reading the tech ref manual but everything i found left me more confused and asking more questions.
What is the proper way to use posemult and poseinv to copy a robtarget to another wobj?
I've tried searching the web and reading the tech ref manual but everything i found left me more confused and asking more questions.
this is all out of memory.
RtInNewWobj:=RtToCopy; !to copy all the extra information
RtInNewWobj.trans:=PoseInNewWobj.trans; !to copy the translatoric part
RtInNewWobj.rot:=PoseInNewWobj.rot; !to copy the rotatoric part
or step by step
FullOldWobj:=PoseMult(PoseMult(OldWobj.Oframe,OldWobj.Uframe); !to get the whole OldWobj
PoseInWorld:=PoseMult(FullOldWobj,PosetoCopy); !to get RtInWorld
NewWobj:=PoseInv(PoseMult(NewWobj.Oframe,OldWobj.Uframe)); to get Inverted whole NewWobj
PoseInNewWobj:=PoseMult(InvNewWobj,RtInWorld); to get the rob target in relation to new Wobj
RtInNewWobj:=RtToCopy; !to copy all the extra information
RtInNewWobj.trans:=PoseInNewWobj.trans; !to copy the translatoric part
RtInNewWobj.rot:=PoseInNewWobj.rot; !to copy the rotatoric part
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i hope my memory was not playing a trick on me.
Thank you so much. I’ll try it and let you know
I was not able to get your code working. thank you for the response though. I just went with using calcjointT and calcrobT to get my points into another workobject and it worked fine. Your response was much appreciated. Thank you