I'm writing program in MotoSim for a cell that is being delivered. It's a twin YRC1000 cell. R1 is a welding robot (Tool 1), R2 is a handling robot with a gripper (Tool 2).
I need the R2 to give it's position in an R2 job and then later in R1 job I want the welding robot to move to that position previously given by R2.
As I understand using the following instructions in the R2 job should give me that position...
GETS PX000 $PX000 - get current position in pulse
CNVRT PX000 PX000 BF TL#(1) - convert that position to Base Frame for Tool1 (torch)
But moving to that P000 position afterwards with R1 doesn't take it to correct location.
What am I doing wrong?
I could do it so R2 job has...
GETS PX000 $PX000 - get current position in pulse
CNVRT PX000 PX000 BF TL#(2) - convert that position to Base Frame for Tool2 (gripper)
That actually gives me the correct position in Base Frame and then in R1 job I could...
GETS PX001 $PX000 - get current position in pulse
CNVRT PX001 PX001 BF TL#(1) - convert that position to Base Frame for Tool1 (torch).
SUB P001 P001
This is just to get the variable to be in Base Frame and for the correct Tool.
...and then i could use GETE and SETE instruction to pick the individual values from P000 and put them into P001. This way moving R1 to P001 does take it to correct position, but for me this does not seem a good way to do it.
Any suggestions?