I have a welding robot and I have been welding in block step without problem. Robot motion instructions are specified with AC (air cut). WS (weld start), WC, (weld continue) and WE (weld end).
I now want to move to implement the code that I have been testing in K-Roset, which uses the AS language. But I get Error E1102 -
This Code creates the error:
Jappro testpoint1,200
setcondw1 1= 31,500,1,1,0,0,1
setcondw2 1= 1.5,1,550,0,1
LWS testpoint1
LWE testpoint2 ,1,1
Ldepart 200
This code in block step works fine:
AC JOINT SPEED4 ACCU4 TIMER0 OX= WX= #[93.479,39.738,-124.75,101.16,-62.735,-127.57,0] ;
WS LINEAR SPEED4 TIMER0 OX= WX= #[88.229,47.754,-122.92,109.47,-63.288,-134.58,0] ;
WE LINEAR WELD_COND1 OX= WX= #[88.319,46.178,-127.01,110.53,-64.153,-137.21,0] ;
AC JOINT SPEED9 ACCU4 TIMER0 OX= WX= #[92.957,39.02,-128.77,103.3,-63.305,-131.21,0] ;
I feel like the error indicates that there is an option that Kawasaki needs to assist me to turn on? I cannot find anything more than the Error text int he manuals, and my internet searching hasn't helped, yet.
Does anybody here have any ideas?