I am investigating how to communicate with a custom tool on the end-effector from a CRX25-ia. I have found functions in KAREL relating to writing data over the RS485 lines in the Plugin SDK manual (Section 11.6, 11.7). The functions are TLIF_WRITE, _READ etc. and are included in a karel program using %ENVIRONMENT TLIF. However any reference to TLIF throws an error when trying to compile using ktrans. I have ktrans installed through WinolPC from a ROBOGUIDE installation. I want to find out what else I need to be able to communicate through the 485 lines in the tool. Do i need to have the Plugin SDK installed? It also doesn't help that the TLIF functions are not included in the regular karel reference and programming guide manuals.
Some unresolved posts also discussing RS485 use:
Rs485 comm fanuc
I'm trying to make a comm between a CRX-25iA - Fanuc and a camara bia the Rs485 comm that exists in the end-effector.
Has anyone used this protocol with another Fanuc robot? where can I see what the camera is sending to the robot?
thank you in advance!
RE: fanuc crx
But the only references to the RS485 look like regular serial comms -- baud rate, parity, stop bits. So I would have said no, except I stumbled across a note referring to using the RS485 through KAREL:
So... maybe? I suspect it might be very dependent on how you try to implement it. The KAREL commands related to the CRX's RS485 appear to be very minimal (raw bytes-send,…

RS485 - Karel configuration
I am currently working with a Fanuc collaborative robot (CRX-10iAl). We want to use a force sensor using the RS-485 protocol. The EE socket at the end of the robot arm has dedicated connections for this type of protocol, with which we are able to connect. As the force sensor is not a Fanuc product we need to write a program in Karel to communicate with the sensor.
Does anyone have a basic example on how to create a connection to a device with this protocol, send strings and read…
Below is an example program of what I'm trying to compile.
Any help with this would be greatly appreciated! I just need to send simple byte strings to a gripper.
%ENVIRONMENT TLIF -- 'File cannot be opened or created'
%COMMENT = ' - 00'
status : INTEGER
send_data : ARRAY[255] OF BYTE -- 32767 is max size
receive_data : ARRAY[255] OF BYTE -- 32767 is max size
crc : ARRAY[2] OF BYTE
start_add : INTEGER
register_num : INTEGER
read_size : INTEGER
TLIF_WRITE(5, send_data, status) -- Not defined since TLIF.ev wont load
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