Hello. I'm new to the forum and I'm trying to learn how to use the Kuka robot. When I shut down, I get two options, one is cold start and the other is hibernate. What are these?
Kuka Robot Cold Start & Hibernate
Emircan4536 -
August 30, 2024 at 8:37 AM -
Thread is Unresolved
August 30, 2024 at 11:08 AM Approved the thread. -
Please specify controller version and KSS version that you are operating when posting in the forum.
From KUKA System Integrator documentation (available for free on myKUKA, KUKA xPert portal):
Cold startAfter a cold start the robot controller displays the Navigator.
No program is selected. The robot controller is
reinitialized, e.g. all user outputs are set to FALSE.
Note: If XML files have been changed directly, i.e. the
user has opened the file and modified it, these changes
are taken into consideration in the case of a cold start
with Reload files. This cold start is called an “initial
cold start”.
In the case of a cold start without Reload files, these
changes are not taken into consideration.Hibernate
After a start with Hibernate, the previously selected
robot program can be resumed. The state of the kernel
system: programs, block pointer, variable contents and
outputs, is completely restored.
Additionally, all programs that were open parallel to the
robot controller are reopened and have the same state
that they had before the system was shut down. The
last state of Windows is also restored.