Hello, all.
I'm programming an IRB1600 robot with an IRC5 connected to an Allen-Bradley 5069-L330ERMS2 PLC.
When I switch to Auto, the pendant displays the following:
"Event Message 90205
Auto Stop open
The Automatic Mode Safeguarded Stop circuit has been broken."
I reached out to tech support, who turned me over to the panel board in the robot controller. The AS1 & AS2 indicator lights are NOT illuminated. This was our layout for X5 and X6:
ABB suggested I jumper out X5 according to the default layout, shown below:
After jumpering out X5 terminals 1-2-3, 4-5-6, 7-8-9, 10-11-12, I rebooted the controller. The Auto Stop Open fault remains.
We also tried jumpering out our safety gate to no avail.
Should I try jumpering out X6 as well? I didn't think to because none of the connections appear to be wired to AS in the diagram.