I don't have a ton of fanuc experience, so bear with me.
Recently, I tried to upload from roboguide to my SR-6iA with a R-30iB Plus controller. I followed this ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t88ivw7T7hU ) tutorial, and used a USB with the following files uploaded:
- a .TP file
I did a controlled start of the robot, plugged the USB in, and set the device to the USB in the TP in the File menu. When I went to load the files, I was pretty sure it worked, but then I couldn't do a cold start as was advised in the tutorial. I kept getting a pop up saying "SW Install Requires AutoUpdate", but then when I tried running the AUTOUPDT.CM file the TP would freeze.
Today, in an attempt to just revert everything back to how it was before I tried to upload from roboguide, I plugged in the USB that came with the robot with the software loaded on it. I did a "full software install" from the boot screen, picked "previous profile" or something along those lines (the other option was SR-6iA [...] but I didn't know which one to pick), plugged in my USB with a backup, and tried to restore but got the message "directory is not processed". I was under "all files" in the folder that had the backup I wanted to use, but I just couldn't get it to load.
Any advice? I've been reading a little bit about mastering and have a feeling I messed something up by not moving the robot to a home position (?) before doing all of this. I just want it to go back to how it was as always, any help would be greatly appreciated.