Hello all,
I am working on a custom gripper configuration to handle a few unit loads with pick quantities of 4 to 10, as well as one unit load where I am picking two rows of product at once (hence the custom gripper). I was able to work up some custom code to define the UTOOLs for each case, but the issue is that the math involved uses the length of the gripper and R[9: Cur TotUnitsPick]. This gets the job done as far as picking, but because I am using the total pick quantity for that pick cycle, rather than the maximum pick quantity for any cycle, UTOOL 1 is in a different location on the tool depending on whether I am picking 4 cases, 7 cases, etc. This means that the sensor configuration on the tool being used for case[x] present would have to change based on pick quantity, which would be an absolute nightmare to manage.
My goal is that, for a given unit load, the UTOOL values are defined based on the maximum pick quantity for that unit load, so that UTOOL 1 is in the same place on the tool whether I am picking 1 case, 3 cases, 10 cases, etc.
Is there a variable in the unit load configuration that stores the max pick quantity for any cycle? I was looking in the unit load KAREL file (PMULxxx) and found the array of registers that stores the pick quantities per cycle. I was hoping that I could find the max value in this array without having to index through the entire array in a TP program, or hard-coding that max quantity for each unit load. Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.