Hello to everyone, "Controller:R-J3IC Robot:R-2000IB 210F" My robot runs out of calibration batteries after three months. Although it is actively used every day, we see that the batteries are exhausted when we turn it on in the morning after a month or two. When we disassemble and look at the batteries, sometimes the battery voltage seems to be over, and sometimes it looks normal. The battery case is clean and there does not seem to be anything like oxidation or non-contact. Jul. Where the fault is likely to be, I am waiting for your help.

The problem of calibration batteries.
byrol -
July 22, 2024 at 7:43 AM -
Thread is Unresolved
Hi, you have any alarm on Teach pendant like SRVO-062 SVAL2 BZAL ?
Usually you need to change the battery every 5760h work on servo on or every years
Yes, there is a "SRVO-062 SVAL2 BZAL" alarm. But before the working time we are talking about or another year, the batteries run out.
You may want to consider pulling your battery box out and inspecting the back for corrosion or damaged wiring. I have seen it before.
Yes, there may be corrosion behing the box, I never thought of this. Thank you, I will check.
lo tienes en un robot con servo pistola? y si es asi la pistola esta montada en el robot o en un pedestal?
My robot is not mounted on a servo-based location, but on a fixed base.
You may want to consider pulling your battery box out and inspecting the back for corrosion or damaged wiring. I have seen it before.
Much agreement with mortoch, seen this a few times mainly around die casting, hot-stamping & graphite release sprays.
> Are industrial grade batteries being used?
> Are they newly made with expiration dates years into the future? New industrial grade 'D' batteries will measure 1.65 - 1.7VDC. I measure, inspect & current date batteries before install.
> Any batteries show signs of being dropped? Always have spares in case 1 is dropped - never use dropped batteries in your robot. -
Since my robot is located in a different country, I have difficulty getting along with the user and operator. The last time we checked, they told me they were using Industrial "D" series batteries. But I'll have it checked out again. Thank you for your concern.
I did the industrial automation for our factory in a "different country". They would tell us they were industrial grade batteries and that was denoted the same on the battery. However they would go to the local electrical mall and buy batteries that had been on the shelf since somewhere around the turn of the century. Same issue, 3-6 months and they were dead.
Just saying.