I'm trying to programmatically parse the date from the CREATE and MODIFIED in TP *.LS files, but I am having a difficult time determining the year, month, and day because they are formatted as 2-number values separated by a - character, for example:
In the example above, the first (23), second (09), and third (24) 2-number values could be the year, month, or day.
Writing logic to determine if a 2-digit number is greater-than 99 (not the year), greater-than 12 (not the month), greater-than 31 (not the day), does not cover the example above considering:
- The first (23), second (09), and third (24) 2-number values could be the year (less-than 99).
- The first (23), second (09), and third (24) 2-number values could be the day (less-than 31).
- The second (09) 2-number value could be the month (less-than 12).
I checked the ERR*.LS files from the same Robot to see if the formatting was the same, but it uses a 2-number value for the day, a 3-letter value for the month, and a 2-number value for the year, for example:
851752" 15-OCT-23 20:10:10 " APPL-175 Backup started " " WARN 00000000" "
851753" 15-OCT-23 20:01:10 " APPL-176 Backup finished " " WARN 00000000" "
851754" 15-OCT-23 19:54:26 " SDTL-115 Data Output is completed " " WARN 00000000" "
I found many examples in the Version 9.30 of the HandlingTool Manual, but the formatting is different as it uses a 2-number value for the day, a 3-letter value for the month, and a 4-number value for the year, for example:
In Version 9.30 of the HandlingTool Manual, Creation Date is described as:
QuoteCreation date is the date on which the program name was created.
In Version 9.30 of the HandlingTool Manual, Modification Date is described as:
QuoteModification date is the date, according to the calendar in the controller, when the file was last displayed in the editor. This information can be displayed using the [ATTR] function key on the SELECT menu.
Is there a System Variable or a setting that determines how the year, month, and day are formatted in the CREATE and MODIFIED in TP *.LS files?