Anyone have experience with the option in the title? I've talked to our Sales Rep about it, asked tech support about this option, no solid help yet on figuring this out. We have this setup that customer wants changed to improve cycle times: Robot welds around a pipe 360° + Overlap without having to "rewind" the axis (because of axis limits). We want to find a solution where we can continuously turn. When I try to use the CN_CTS KAREL program with trying various pitch arguments and then having the CTV0 motion instruction on the Weld End, like the manual says to, the positioner does not spin or do anything when the Robot goes from Home, Approach, Weld Start, Weld End, Retreat and back Home. I see the positioner (FANUC 500iD Hollow Positioner) goes from 0 to 180 then from -180 back to 0, but I cannot figure out how to get the robot and positioner to work together.
I also tried this morning to use the CALIBNBT KAREL program to reset turn counts, but that ticks off DCS parameters because the FANUC 500iD Positioner has known kinematics and I can't seem to go into Controlled Start and set it to Unknown Kinematics (i'm assuming because this is a FANUC positioner and not a basic positioner). So I can't use the CALIBNBT KAREL program either like I thought I might be able to.
Anyone using this option successfully? It reads like it is supposed to do what we need it to do, but I can't figure out how to get the option to work in programming!