Hi guys,
I have a problem with KUKA KRC4 in EXT mode. Everything is ok, automatic runs until I open the doo. That's clear, but after that, when I close the door and acknowledge, it is impossible to start automatic and continue the program. I have $stop_mess TRUE, PLC sends $CONF_MESS but the error is not confirmed so I have both signals true. On the kuka techpendat I have no errors, alerts, or messages.
The solution for that is to switch to T1, press deadman and back to EXT and then the robot starts automatic immediately without any other action from my side.
Do you think what I am doing wrong? I mean the main problem here is that I can not confirm STOP_MESS and because of that I cannot make drives on.
Another thing that I don't understand is the kuka chart for external automatic. It says that first I need to send $drivers_on, wait for $peri_rdy, then conf mess. Is it correct? I mean, I think that drives on signal is ignored when we have stop mess signal on true.