Is it possible to launch an HMI page by default after the robot start-up? I would like the production page to be accessed automatically when the controller is started. Do you know if it is possible to set a default page?
I don't want to have to do too much to access this page in the BROWSER menu for operators.
I don't know if there is a system variable that allows this. Or to use $TX_SCREEN to define the default screen.
The aim is to lead to a page allowing access to different menus depending on the status of the user (operator or technician). And therefore to have a default page allowing the user to be directed to different menus.
I know that you can call the DSP_WEBP() Macro program from the Menu Utility but I don't have the R577 Fanuc option. Is there another way of doing this?
I thought about HOT START Autoexec program but I don't know which variable to retrieve for my web page (TX_SCREEN)
Thank you for your help!