I have configurated an EthernetIP slave in the controller of the robot (CS9, TX2-90). I need to communicate it with a PLC but I cannot find the EDS file, where can I find the file?
Thank you!
I have configurated an EthernetIP slave in the controller of the robot (CS9, TX2-90). I need to communicate it with a PLC but I cannot find the EDS file, where can I find the file?
Thank you!
Hi Amartin
I have uploaded the eds file for the EthIP slave available on J207J208 connectors.
This file used to be located on the DVD delivered with the robot in a folder called something like 'Fieldbus description file'
Warning : This is a file for a generic EthIP slave. You'll probably need to adjust the data size for the assemblies in your PLC.
Best regards
Thank you klausi
I agree, I have discovered that the inputs and outputs created in the robot are the data that have to be configured exactly in the PLC side (not the . I have had problems until I discovered it.
Now I have data conversion "problem", do you know if there is any function or code in Staubli to convert the data received and sended between PLC and robot?
(for example, I want to send a LREAL and a DWORD)
Thank you!!
There are functions like toBinary resp. fromBinary for serializing resp. deserializing bytes into desired format (wordfloart,lreal,dword....)
These functions are usefull if you have defined bytes in your IO interface and want to convert them at val3 level.
You may also define the data format directly at IO level. In the stäubli software used to define your IO interface (SYCON.net) :
Right-clic on your J207J208 RE/EIS device and select 'configuration'
In the left panel , select 'Signal Configuration'
Right-clic on one assembly (e.g Output_assembly) and select 'Edit Signal'
There, you can define the format of the signal in your IO interface
It is slightly tricky to handle this utility software especially if you want to mix several types of signals (bits/bytes/words....) . Basically you need to NOT select 'apply as array' and use 'Edit Signal' and 'Merge Signal' menus
Do not forget to clic on apply for updating your format change.
Best regards