Hello everyone, im trying to run a simulation of a real cell that was already working. The robot has KSS8.7.5 KR1803200-2 PA.
On the Kuka.Sim im using the motion execution of RCS, with version KUKA 8.7.
I loaded all the files from a backup of the robot, each directory where it should go (Mada, Program, System, ETC)
This is my first time using Kuka.Sim, and after having done all the tutorials that are on YT, and reading on the help of the program, i cant figure this out:
The program works, but as the simulation starts i start getting a lot of messages on the output window like these:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Program Files\KUKA\KUKA.Sim 4.3\Python\Commands\ActionScript\action_script.py", line 476, in OutputTriggered
ret = TraceOn( port, action.UsingTool, action.Attached, action.Material.Name )
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'Name'
This gets repeated as long as the robot moves, shall i be worried of it? I cant understand what it means.
Also, during the execution at a certain point, the end effector that i have mounted, discconects from the robot and stays in the space.
As the simulation starts the robot goes like that, with the End Effector coneccted, but afterwards , it dismounts :
It happens between motions that have a call to a subprogram in between to check the vaccums, could it have something to do?
Thanks beforehand !!