Dear all,
I'm experiencing a very annoying phenomenon. We have a Kawasaki robot RS025Ncommunicate in which we run a Main to communicating in TCP/IP with a client sending commands and executing them in a while loop. Something like the following:
.PROGRAM Main () ; Main Program
; Call the communication program to get the commandSometimes
EXECUTE Communication
; Do something in a loop
WHILE client_connected DO
; Execute commands like JMOVE, LMOVE, ...
PRINT "Executing..."
; Do something else
Display More
We are experiencing a very strange phenomenon. Suppose, the robot is not receiving any communication, i.e. no commands being executed with any JMOVE or LMOVE commands. The robot is in MOTOR ON and is in CYCLE START. We switch from REPEAT to TEACH. Then, we move the robot to another position. Finally, we switch back from TEACH to REPEAT, turn back on the motor, and give CYCLE START. We notice that the robot moves back to the same position it was before being moved in TEACH mode.
Why is this happening? Despite no command being executed by the robot, why does it move back to the same position it was before being put in TEACH mode? Have you ever noticed this?
Thank you so much in advance. I really appreciate any help you can provide.