Good Mornings.
I´m currently working as PLC programmer / Robot configuration . We have accepted a job with a KUKA robot krc4 and I´m in charge to write the PLC program to manage the robot and also configure the robot automatic external. I ve a good experience with Fanuc and I ve used KUKA robot somethimes, but only to teach/change programs, never configured to work in Aut External with a PLC. The robot connection is the always good Profibus DP.
The manual explain which signal are used and also the diagrams with the timing but I have some question about the signal mapping with DI/DO
I ´ve used Orange edit and I´ve found than some signal are mapped in $Machine.dat and other are configured as variable in $Config.dat.
The input and output address are configured from 1 to 1024, some in the first bits, other near 1024 ( 1025 always ON, 1026 always OFF). Can I change the input /output value to group them in the first 128 input/output number?
Sound a dummy question but I can´t find this information, Thanks