I have a cell of welding robots they're all fanuc R30ib controllers, we recently did a head change on one of the spot welders and with the new head it was getting ovc alarms on group 2 (spot welding head) we just created a job that just opened and closed it to break the head in, it is happenin due to the way the heads are being rebuilt, they are super tight and hard to move when we get them. is there a variable to increase the ovc limit, so we can run it for 2 to 3 days to break the head in while we run production and then set it back to the original value.
Group 2 ovc alarms
Casto2012 -
June 2, 2024 at 9:22 AM -
Thread is Unresolved
If you change the OVC value you will at some point burn up the servo amp or motor that drives the gun. I would check that you have the right size motor and amp then think of another way to exercise the gun.
Have you tried disabling OverTorque Protection in the Servogun menu? Not ideal, but may temporarily resolve your issue.
Is the OVC anytime the gun moves or just when the tips close?
If it's anytime, then check for binding or misalignment.
Pull the motor and check motor and gun motion separately.
Gun motion should be fairly easy.
The gun 'head' is a precision part and should not need to be broken in.
If it has compensation, check that too.If it OVC at tip close or opening too far - recalibrate the gun. Gun calibration should be done after any mechanical repair.
The ovc is when the gun is trying to close for tip dress. We've only really had this problem since we switched to a different company to rebuild our spot weld heads. The heads are super tight when we get them.
Did you remaster after the repair of the servo gun?
Repair of guns is normal and this usually effects TCP. There should be a TCP check process setup for the robot to verify TCP. Have you verified TCP after the repair?
I've been down this road before and its hard to get a motor do do more work than it is physically designed for. Either upsize the motor or get with the company rebuilding the heads.
We've had this fault on site .
'0vc alarm' is a very serious collision fault, you have to restart the robot to reset it. Do not change anything about this config .
For the gun arm , if no change in shape or material:
1. Check the Tip compensation direction ,is that correct?
2. Check the Gun master status,close the gun manually , and then check the G2 ,J1 value,is it 0 degree?
The SERVO GUN arms have their design parameter,if you change the arm ,Better do an auto-tune.