I'm a teacher and I have a hard time managing the various version of both virtual and real robots.
I have 2 educational cells with ER-4iA (similar to LR Mate 200iD/4S) with R30iB Plus controller.
On Roboguide, I maintain 2 different workcells for each robot. A basic version with DIO control and a more advanced version with EIP control. So eight versions total for the two virtual and two real robots.
The tedious part is making sure that whatever modifications I make propagates to the others versions, especially for the DCS parameters, as I'm currently learning how to protect the robots from the students (!).
So far, I managed to get all the ASCII files from the virtual robots (with ftp) and the real robots (with OneRobotics Backup Tool). When I batch compare all the file from a matching pair of robots (real and virtual), most files are identical except for the following ones that never match:
- dcspos.va
- diocfgsv.va
- mixlogic.va
- sycldint.va
- symotn.va
- synosave.va
- syshost.va
- sysmacro.va
- system.va
I understand that some files might be monitoring something, therefore always changing ? Like symotn.va ? If so, I can exclude them from the comparison. But for the DCS parameter, I don't want to miss something while comparing. Somebody know why DCSPOS, for example, is not matching even right after a transfer ?
Thank you